"Melanoma Detection" Apps Lack Scientific Support

March 1, 2015

The United States Federal Trade Commission has challenged marketers for deceptively claiming their mobile apps could detect symptoms of melanoma, even in its early stages. In two separate cases, marketers of MelApp and Mole Detective have agreed to settlements that bar them from continuing to make such unsupported claims. The agency is pursuing charges against two additional marketers of Mole Detective who did not agree to settle.

According to the FTC's complaints, each of the apps instructed users to photograph a mole with a smartphone camera and input other information about the mole. The apps then purported to calculate the mole's melanoma risk as low, medium, or high. The FTC alleged that the marketers deceptively claimed the apps accurately analysed melanoma risk and could assess such risk in early stages. The marketers lacked adequate evidence to support such claims, the FTC charged.

Source and further information: Federal Trade Commission Media Release

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