Melanoma Essentials - A Concise Guide
September 20, 2015
Melanoma Essentials - A Concise Guide
The multidisciplinary team at Melanoma Institute Australia are pleased to announce the publication of Melanoma Essentials - A Concise Guide.
This interactive textbook represents the Institute's commitment to informing the broad spectrum of medical, nursing and allied professionals about the effective diagnosis and management of melanoma.
This publication incorporates rich imagery and interactive diagnostic guides to help non-experts increase their understanding of the pathobiology of melanoma, clinical and instrument aided diagnosis, and the principles associated with optimal clinical care strategies to improve patient outcomes.
Melanoma Essentials is available for $19.99 from the Apple iBooks Store
In coming months, Melanoma: Principles & Practices - a comprehensive resource with surgical and procedural atlases and interactive tools to inform specialist practitioners will also be released.
Source: Melanoma Institute Australia