2015 Stocktake of Melanoma-Related Research in New Zealand
April 26, 2016
In 2015 MelNet undertook a stocktake of melanoma-related research in New Zealand, including epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care, genetics, tumour biology, etc. Researchers and clinicians identified the need for the stocktake as a vital first step in enabling MelNet to promote collaboration and coordination of such activities, with a view to establishing an integrated approach to melanoma translational research in New Zealand.
The report provides a useful snapshot in time of New Zealand researchers and the research they are conducting into the control or understanding of melanoma. The report includes:
- Both broad and detailed categories of research
- Sources of funding
- Organisations/institutions of researchers
- Occupation of researchers.
You can find the report here.
For further information please contact the MelNet Coordinator.