New Australian UV, vitamin D and sun protection guidelines

February 1, 2016

New Australian Guidelines

Cancer Council Australia, along with the Australasian College of Dermatologists, the Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society, Osteoporosis Australia and the Endocrine Society of Australia have released new guidelines to ensure consistency of public health advice relating to UV, vitamin D and sun protection.

You can find a copy of the position statement on the Cancer Council Australia website and also here.

Uniquely the joint nature of the statement was to ensure there was a consistent message from all key related agencies actively involved in sun protection or vitamin D. The primary message reinforces the importance of sun protection at any time when the UVI is >3. It encourages people to be physically active during the winter months and provides advice that sun protection is not necessary during the times of the day, and the times of the year when the UVI is <3, with some exceptions.

The other objective of the position statement is to reduce the amount of unnecessary testing of vitamin D levels and related anxiety for individuals and to also reduce the number of people who are at low risk of vitamin D deficiency who are deliberately taking steps to prolong their time in the sun in the mistaken belief they need more vitamin D.

The position statement is based on a review of the latest scientific evidence on UV, vitamin d and sun protection.


Craig Sinclair
Head, Prevention Division, Cancer Council Victoria
Director, World Health Organisation Collaborative Centre for UV Radiation

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