News and Events

Immune therapy and quality of life in melanoma

13 May 2017

This ASCO Reading Room article summarises current evidence regarding the use of checkpoint inhibitors in melanoma with a specific focus on quality of life and use of healthcare resources.

Thin melanomas a substantial public health burden

4 May 2017

Thin melanomas are a substantial public health burden, despite excellent prognosis, according to an analysis of SEER data in the United States. The authors conclude that “efforts should be made to diagnose melanoma at the in situ stage”.

Combining SRT and immunotherapy

28 April 2017

Patients treated with stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) and immunotherapy have a higher incidence/risk of intracranial complications, but a longer overall survival, according to authors of this study.

Does pregnancy influence melanoma prognosis?

21 April 2017

Results of this study indicate that pregnancy or post partum [pregnancy-associated melanoma (PAM)] is associated with a worse prognosis than melanoma not related to pregnancy, both in terms of overall survival and disease-free survival, according to its authors. 

Regional radiation therapy impacts outcome for node-positive melanoma

20 April 2017

Regional radiation therapy was associated with a reduced risk of regional recurrence among patients with ECE (extracapsular extension) and clinically detected nodal disease, according to the results of a single institution study.  The authors conclude that “in the era of increasingly effective systemic therapies, the value of improved regional control potentially takes on greater significance”.