News and Events

MEK inhibitors and their potential in the treatment of advanced melanoma

9 January 2016

In this article the authors provide a review of MEK inhibitors and their potential in the treatment of advanced melanoma, highlighting the need for further research into whether the best strategy to prolong survival is through optimisation of triple therapy or sequential therapy.

Outcomes of patients with multiple cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas

7 January 2016

Patients with multiple cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (CSCCs) warrant frequent follow-up because they have an elevated risk of local recurrence (LR) and nodal metastases (NM), according to 10-year retrospective single-institution cohort study at an academic tertiary care centre in the United States.

Digit-sparing Mohs surgery for melanoma

3 January 2016

In the management of digital melanoma, Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) conserves function by avoiding amputation and offers a low local recurrence rate, according to authors of a recently published study. The also conclude that outcomes are improved with the use of MART-1 (a a protein antigen that is found on the surface of melanocytes).

18 March 2016 Skin Lesions and Dermatoscopy course

21 December 2015

MelNet CoordinatorConducted by Honorary Associate Professor Amanda Oakley, this one-­‐day course addresses clinical and dermatoscopic diagnosis of common benign and malignant skin lesions, particularly pigmented lesions. All health professionals undertaking skin examinations are invited to attend, whether new to or experienced in dermatoscopy.

UV Conference offers compelling evidence for prevention

18 December 2015

Public investment in skin cancer prevention and early detection programmes show strong potential for health and economic benefits, according to study results presented the 3rd International Conference on UV and Skin Cancer Prevention in Melbourne. Coordinated by SunSmart of the Cancer Council Victoria, the conference offered a unique focus on population approaches to skin cancer prevention and control.

Review provides excellent update on sunscreens

17 December 2015

A recent Research Review provides an excellent summary of recent research on the status of sunscreen as an adjunctive sun protection measure in the prevention of skin cancer and photoaging. Topics covered are sunscreen efficacy, adherence and application, and potential effect on vitamin D levels. Louise Reiche (New Zealand) and Adele Green (Australia) provide expert comment and recommendations.

New melanoma registrations in 2013

16 December 2015

A Ministry of Health online publication provides high-level data on cancer registrations in 2013, ahead of the annual Cancer: New registrations and deaths 2013 publication. They include information on new melanoma cases in that year and a breakdowns by common demographic variables.

A 10-Year History of Teledermatology for Skin Cancer Management

15 December 2015

This Viewpoint describes a teledermatology network implemented to connect 56 primary care centers with the skin cancer and melanoma clinic of a university-based hospital in Seville, Spain, to address the problems associated with patient wait times.