News and Events

Support for effectiveness of teledermatology

10 September 2015

Evidence consistently supports the effectiveness of teledermatology in improving accessibility to specialty care, diagnostic and treatment concordance, and skin care provided by primary care physicians, according to authors of targeted review of scientific studies published from January 2005 through April 2015.

KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) registered in NZ

8 September 2015

KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab), an anti-PD1 immunotherapy, has been registered by MEDSAFE for the treatment of advanced metastatic melanoma in New Zealand. Registration means KEYTRUDA is now approved for use in New Zealand; however patients will need to pay for treatment until it is funded by PHARMAC.

Free UVI app (called UV2Day) now available

29 August 2015

A free UVI app (called UV2Day) for New Zealand, Australia and the South Pacific region, including Antarctica, is now available on android Google Play. The app is based on the same information that is displayed on the NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) website.

Key genetic factor keeps moles from becoming melanoma

26 August 2015

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have identified a major genetic factor that keeps moles in their usual non-cancerous, no-growth state. The researchers found that a tumour suppressor protein, p15, is important for holding regular moles in a benign state, and that any subsequent loss of p15 promotes the transition to melanoma.

Pregnancy does not influence melanoma prognosis

18 August 2015

Results from a recent study published in the journal Dermatologic Surgery have shown that women who became pregnant after being diagnosed with melanoma did not experience a significantly worse clinical prognosis.

Pesticide exposure may increase melanoma risk

15 August 2015

The general use of pesticides, particularly indoor domestic use, frequently and over a long period, may be an independent environmental risk factor for cutaneous melanoma, according to authors of a case-control study in Brazil.

Study proposes annual GP skin exam for patients at high risk for melanoma

13 August 2015

This study "confirms the benefits of developing a targeted screening strategy in primary care", according to its authors. They highlight that, in particular, "after the annual reminder, patient participation and the diagnosis of melanoma remained high in the patients at elevated risk of thick melanomas".

Unmet supportive care needs and distress among NMSC patients

11 August 2015

Despite NMSC not being life threatening in most cases, there is a significant proportion of patients who have unmet supportive care needs and experience heightened distress levels, according to authors of a recent study. They conclude that the study raises awareness for health care professionals to be vigilant about the supportive care needs and the psychological health of patients with non-melanoma skin cancer.

Further evidence of genetic key to melanoma

7 August 2015

University of Leeds researchers, working with colleagues from the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane, have uncovered further evidence that protective buffers at the ends of chromosomes - telomeres - are fundamental to the understanding of melanoma.

New NICE melanoma guideline: vitamin D and SLN biopsy included

6 August 2015

NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) in the UK has published its new guidance for the assessment and management of melanoma in children, young people and adults. The guideline, which covers the full pathway of care, includes recommendations on managing low vitamin D levels and the use of sentinel lymph node biopsy for staging.