Increasing skin self-examination after melanoma diagnosis
January 23, 2017
Following treatment for melanoma, recurrence risk is high and it is recommended that patients perform regular total skin self-examination (TSSE). However TSSE practice is sub-optimal and reported barriers include lack of training, waning motivation and the time required. The Achieving Self-directed Integrated Cancer Aftercare (ASICA) intervention was developed based on the Information-Motivation-Behavioural skills model (IMB) and Control Theory to tackle these barriers and to facilitate TSSE in people treated for melanoma. This study aimed to assess acceptability and feasibility. Methods
The tablet-based intervention provides TSSE information/video demonstration, text message prompts to perform TSSE and allows users to take and send photographs of skin changes to a nurse specialist for review/action. N=20 people previously treated for melanoma piloted the intervention. Intentions and self-efficacy to perform TSSE were reported, adherence was automatically recorded and participants were interviewed about usability and acceptability. Findings
Adherence was good (15 adhered well, 4 intermittently and 1 withdrew). Participants were positive about using technology to remind and instruct on TSSE, conducting it in their homes and getting feedback quickly. Symptoms were reported by 7 participants and 2/7 had further surgery as a result, one with recurrent melanoma. Participants’ intention (ns) and self-efficacy (p<.05) to perform TSSE increased. Discussion:
The ASICA intervention was acceptable and feasible for most patients. ASICA may provide a valuable adjunct to standard melanoma follow up, helping to reinforce and sustain TSSE and to facilitate earlier detection of recurrence. It is now proposed to evaluate the intervention in a randomised controlled trial.
Allan, J, et al. Increasing skin self-examination after melanoma: an intervention using text and tablet delivery. EHP Bulletin of the European Health Psychology Society 18 Supp 2016.