Goodfellow Unit presents Red Whale's GP Update: Red Whale Webinar Series in September

May 24, 2020

WEBINAR series 7.30pm weekly:  2, 9, 16 and 23 September 2020

Red Whale is a comprehensive update for primary healthcare professionals: GPs, Primary Care Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists. The Goodfellow Unit's GPs do all the legwork to bring you up to speed on the latest evidence and guidance.

This year is different from any other, and they want to make it easy and safe for you to stay fully up to date, so Red Whale 2020 is being presented as a webinar series over four nights in September. The Goodfellow Unit has 'chapterised' the content into webinar-length segments and has arranged for NZ specialists to be online to answer all your tricky questions. 

For just $300 you will receive:

  • Four nights of webinars, hosted by the Goodfellow Unit's GP presenters.
  • Presentations from UK GP partners.
  • Every webinar will have NZ specialists standing by for your questions.
  • 6 hours of practice changing updates, and 6 CPD points (RNZCGP).
  • A handbook of 324 well written pages covering everything from A to Z in primary care, couriered to you before the first webinar.
  • 12 months free subscription to the gpcpd website. With three times the content of the handbook, this online resource is a comprehensive tool that can even be used in consultations.
  • Ongoing access to webinar archives of the series.

This webinar series is for GPs, primary care nurses, nurse practitioners, nurse prescribers, pharmacists: anyone who wants to keep up to date across the whole field of primary care.

Register for the 2020 Red Whale Webinar Series

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