Job opportunity for part-time Skin Cancer Specialist at Waitemata DHB
February 7, 2020
Skin Cancer Specialist
Department of General Surgery
Waitemata District Health Board
Waitemata DHB are recruiting a Skin Cancer Specialist to work with the Cutaneous Oncology Service to see and treat skin cancer patients referred to Waitemata DHB. The 0.5 FTE position will work with a team that includes Senior Medical Officers, General Practitioners with a special interest in Skin Cancer, Nurses and Administrators who are passionate about delivering timely and quality care to our growing population. Responsibilities will include outpatient clinics, theatre sessions at Waitakere Hospital and involvement in the Cutaneous Oncology MDM.
Applicants must hold (or be eligible for) NZ medical registration and have FRACS OR FRACP (Dermatology) OR have a relevant post-graduate qualification in skin cancer surgery.
Applications close 22 February 2020.
View the position description
Further information