SunSmart behaviours of outdoor socialisers
February 14, 2020
Background: The Health Promotion Agency/Te Hiringa Hauora (HPA) has undertaken qualitative research to provide insight into attitudes, awareness, and concern toward ultra-violet radiation (UVR) and SunSmart behaviours. Young adult outdoor socialisers, 18 to 24-year-olds participating in outdoor activities such as attending concerts, sports events, and going to the beach, were the focus of this research. This group is at particularly high risk of sun exposure.
Summary: The research findings identified that despite outdoor socialisers having a high awareness of identified/known SunSmart behaviours, it does not always translate into using SunSmart behaviours. The long-term behavioural benefits (adopting SunSmart behaviours) are being overridden by short-term considerations (choosing to tan/look good/be more comfortable). The research showed that while knowledge of UV risk could be improved, many people already know about UV risk, and the behaviours to reduce UV exposure. Regardless of this knowledge, many people are still not motivated to adopt these behaviours. Similarly, while many people are aware of UVR risk, few are using UVR information to help them decide to engage in SunSmart behaviours.
The full report can be downloaded from the HPA website: