Therapies for cutaneous and mucosal melanomas may benefit treatment of metastatic conjunctival melanoma

January 29, 2020


Conjunctival melanoma is a rare tumor of the conjunctival epithelium with a heterogenous clinical presentation and a propensity for regional and distant metastatic spread. Guidelines for the treatment of local conjunctival melanoma are well-established, but there are no standard efficacious therapies for metastatic disease. Given that conjunctival melanoma is genetically similar to cutaneous melanoma and mucosal melanomas, targeted therapies effective in the treatment of these diseases, such as BRAF inhibitors and KIT inhibitors, may be effective in the treatment of patients with metastatic conjunctival melanoma. Other targeted small-molecule drugs in the drug development pipeline for the treatment of more prevalent melanomas could also be applicable to conjunctival melanoma. Furthermore, systemic immunotherapy treatments that are now a mainstay in the treatment of cutaneous melanoma, such as programmed cell death-1 and cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 inhibitors, could also stand to benefit patients with metastatic conjunctival melanoma. Limited case reports provide clues about the effectiveness of both targeted small-molecule inhibitors and immunotherapy in patients with advanced local and metastatic conjunctival melanoma and give credence to the argument that conjunctival melanoma patients should be included in major trials studying new therapies in both cutaneous and mucosal melanomas where applicable.

Cite this article as:Grimes, J.M., Shah, N.V., Samie, F.H. et al. Am J Clin Dermatol (2020).

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