Webinar: ASCO 2020: Melanoma highlights through an Australian lens (Melanoma Institute of Australia)

June 23, 2020

Melanoma Institute Australia is partnering with the limbic to bring you an exciting case-study based discussion live online: ASCO 2020: Melanoma highlights through an Australian lens. In this webinar, our expert panellists will discuss breakthrough melanoma trials, including those most recently unveiled at ASCO 2020, and what they mean for clinical practice in Australia.

Several cases will be discussed and there will be an opportunity to ask the panel questions during the webinar. Alternatively, submit your questions now to editor@thelimbic.com.

Wednesday 1 July | 7pm to 8pm AEST

Hosted by:

  • Professor Georgina Long AO. Co-Medical Director of Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA), Chair, Melanoma Medical Oncology and Translational Research, MIA and Royal North Shore Hospital, The University of Sydney.

With special guests:

  • Associate Professor Victoria Atkinson. School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Queensland and Medical Oncologist, Princess Alexandra and Greenslopes Private Hospitals, Brisbane.
  • Associate Professor David Gyorki. Consultant Surgeon, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Olivia Newton John Cancer Centre.

Professor Angela Hong. Radiation Oncologist, Melanoma Institute Australia.

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