Guidelines for initial radiological staging and follow-up imaging regime for melanomas
February 10, 2021
The aim of this review is to propose guidelines for initial radiological staging and the follow-up imaging regime for melanoma. This will provide consistency in the access and delivery of quality melanoma care. Radiological imaging plays an important role in assessing the extent of disease, guiding individual treatment and evaluating treatment response. However, there exists limited literature addressing the optimal radiological staging and surveillance imaging regimes for melanoma. The lack of consensus on imaging for melanoma can generate inconsistency in the standard of skin cancer care provided. This review considers the appropriate imaging techniques for both initial melanoma staging and follow-up specifically in the New Zealand clinical environment. The recommendations in this article are based on evaluation of the currently available literature and consensus of feedback from consultation with a working group of New Zealand clinicians involved in providing care to patients with melanoma. The proposed guidelines are considered the standard of care, but regional practice may differ based on access to imaging technology, cost limitations and the clinical experience of healthcare professionals.
Francis V, Sehji T, Barnett M, Martin RCW. Radiological imaging of melanoma: a review to guide clinical practice in New Zealand. N Z Med J. 2021 Jan 15;134(1528):79-87. PMID: 33444308.