28 June 2023According to this recent cohort study of patients with advanced melanoma receiving first-line immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy, treatment-free survival represents a patient-centric, informative end point. The study concludes that patients treated with combination nivolumab-ipilimumab spent more time alive and free from systemic anticancer therapy than those treated with anti–PD-1 monotherapy alone.
28 June 2023This recent study investigated adjuvantly treated stage III melanoma patients under real-world conditions. It concludes that PD1-treated patients had more and earlier recurrences than targeted therapy (TT) patients. In BRAF-mutated patients adjuvant TT might prevent early recurrences more effectively than PD1 treatment. Management of recurrence despite adjuvant treatment is challenging with low response to current therapeutic options.
28 June 2023This recent research states that several large multicenter trials have challenged the necessity of complete lymph node dissection, leading to a paradigm shift. While some controversy remains, the standard of care for melanoma is progressing toward a consensus.
28 June 2023The Auckland Medical Research Foundation (AMRF) is calling for applications for the JI Sutherland Medical Research Fellowship. This Fellowship is open to medical or science graduates with New Zealand residency, permanent residency or citizenship who wish to undertake full-time medical research for a PhD or an MD in the specific field of melanoma or other skin cancer research.
19 June 2023Authors of this recent study demonstrate the successful use of social media advertising to direct high-risk groups to online health information about indoor tanning. Future research quantifying tanning visits pre- and post- indoor tanning interventions is needed to guide future public health efforts.
18 June 2023This review may help to develop therapeutic strategies for improving the clinical response rate of PD-1 inhibitors and prolonging the survival of patients by activating mitochondrial function in tumour and T cells.
18 June 2023The objective of this recent study was to further develop the technique of using tape strip derived ribonucleic acid (RNA) to distinguish cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) from nevi and validate if RNA profiles can rule out CMM in clinically suspicious lesions with 100% sensitivity. The study concludes that the technique can reduce removal of benign lesions by one-third without overlooking any CMMs.
18 June 2023This article provides a review of dermoscopic melanoma criteria according to specific body sites, including frequently observed melanoma of the head/neck, trunk and limbs and special site melanomas, located on the nail, mucosal and acral region.
15 June 2023According to this recent study, dermatologists may improve their performance when they cooperate with the market-approved Convolutional Neural Network and that a broader application of this human with machine approach could be beneficial for dermatologists and patients.
30 May 2023According to this recent study, New Zealand is a high-risk population for nodal melanoma metastases. The conclusions of the second Multicenter Selective Lymphadenectomy Trial (MSLT-II) may not be able to be applied to melanoma patients in the 7 regions studied in New Zealand.