News and Events

Benefit of local therapy for patients with melanoma treated for solitary progression after initial response to immune checkpoint inhibition

9 June 2021

This recent study evaluates the role of local therapy for solitary progression in melanoma. It concludes that almost half of patients with melanoma treated for solitary progression after initial response to immune checkpoint inhibition had no subsequent progression. The study suggests that local therapy can benefit patients and is associated with favourable long-term outcomes.

Hypoxia-dependent drivers of melanoma progression

9 June 2021

According to this recent review, the increasing knowledge of hypoxia-regulated pathways in melanoma progression and the promising results obtained from novel antiangiogenic therapies could offer new perspectives in clinical practice in order to improve survival outcomes of melanoma patients.

Long-lasting response in patients with metastatic melanoma after anti-PD-1 cessation

27 May 2021

This recent study aimed to evaluate the progression-free survival (PFS) of patients with metastatic melanoma after anti-PD-1 interruption for objective response (OR) or limiting toxicity during clinical trials. The cohort of the study shows a global recurrence rate of 18.5% and confirms a long-lasting response after anti-PD-1 cessation regardless of the cause of discontinuation.

Diagnostic tools used for melanoma: A survey of Australian general practitioners and dermatologists

17 May 2021

The aim of this recent study was to understand the use of diagnostic aids amongst Australian general practitioners (GPs) and dermatologists. The study cioncludes that dermoscopy, sequential digital dermoscopy imaging (SDDI) and total body photography (TBP) were commonly used by responding Australian skin cancer GPs and dermatologists in this survey. Automated diagnostic tools were not reported to be used routinely. Several barriers were identified for use of TBP.