9 December 2020According to this recent study in the UK, a mole scanning service available within community pharmacies is effective at triaging patients and ultimately playing a part in identifying diagnoses of malignant melanoma.
9 December 2020For immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) therapy, mounting evidence suggests that the gut microbiome can determine patient treatment outcomes. However, the extent to which gut microbial features are applicable across different patient cohorts has not been extensively explored. Results of this recent study suggest the existence of a fecal microbiome signature inherent across responders that may be exploited for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
9 December 2020Targeting cancer metabolism is a promising approach in cancer therapeutics. Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (DLD) is a mitochondrial enzyme with diaphorase activity. According to this recent study, DLD plays a pivotal role in melanoma progression and proliferation.
9 December 2020This review outlines the multifaceted interplay between microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF), a major determinant of the biology of melanoma cells, and the immune system. The authors propose that a better understanding of MITF and immune system intersections could help in the tailoring of current immune checkpoint inhibitory therapy in melanomas and pave the way for clinical benefits and long-lasting responses.
8 December 2020There is growing evidence that disulfiram (DSF) has great potential for the treatment of various human cancers, including melanoma. This article provides an overview of the application of DSF in humans, its molecular mechanisms and targets in cancer therapy with a focus on melanoma. The results of clinical studies and experimental combination approaches of DSF with various cancer therapies are discussed, with the aim of exploring the potential of DSF in melanoma therapy.
1 December 2020The aim of this recent study was to investigate the clinical and dermoscopic features of acral lentiginous melanoma in situ (ALMIS) on palmoplantar surfaces. Based on the study and a review of the literature, a dermoscopic algorithm for the diagnosis of ALMIS is proposed.
30 November 2020Outdoor workers are exposed to an ultraviolet radiation (UVR) dose at least 2 to 3 times higher than indoor workers and often to daily UVR doses 5 times above internationally recommended limits. This position statement outlines specific actions in five recommendations based on a Call to Action. The role of health professionals, including dermatologists, in this context is crucial.
26 November 2020According to this recent study, gamma irradiation could provide important clues for designing and developing effective exosome vaccines that can induce strong immunogenicity, especially tumor-specific multifunctional T cell responses.
26 November 2020This recent study applies for the first-time interpretable deep learning methods simultaneously to the most common skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and intraepidermal carcinoma) in a histological setting. It seeks to inform ways in which future computer aided diagnosis systems could be applied usefully in a clinical setting with human interpretable outcomes.
26 November 2020The aim of this recent study was to describe the efficacy, safety, and pharmacodynamics of pimasertib at pharmacologically active doses in a cohort of patients with locally advanced/metastatic melanoma from a first-in-human study of pimasertib. Results indicate that pimasertib has clinical activity in patients with locally advanced/metastatic melanoma, particularly BRAF- and NRAS-mutated tumors, at clinically relevant doses associated with phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (pERK) inhibition in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.