News and Events

UV sensors may improve use of sunscreen and sunglasses in adolescents

22 September 2020

This recent Australian study tested wearable UV sensors as a means of improving sun protection in young adults at an outdoor festival. It found that those provided with the sensor improved their use of sunglasses and sunscreen, with participants reporting it a useful tool to remind them to use sun protection.

Skin cancer survivors apply sunscreen in line with recommended guidelines

19 September 2020

This recent study analysed sunscreen application technique amongst patients with a history of skin cancer. It found skin cancer survivors of both genders effectively applied sunscreen in line with recommended quantity guidelines, but men were significantly better at protecting their ears.

Risk to develop BCC in high UV-exposed skin double that of low UV exposure independent of histological subtype, tumor localization and Fitzpatrick phototype

15 September 2020

This recent study evaluated the influence of histological subtype, tumor localization and Fitzpatrick phototype on the risk to develop basal cell carcinoma in highly UV-exposed cases and controls compared to those with moderate or low solar UV exposure. It found the risk to develop basal cell carcinoma in highly occupationally UV-exposed skin was doubled consistently, independent of histological subtype, tumor localization and Fitzpatrick phototype.

Australian melanoma patients treated with isolated limb infusion have better progression free survival for stage 3B disease than American patients

15 September 2020

This recent study compared oncological outcomes of advanced melanoma patients treated with isolated limb infusion in America and Australia. It found Australian patients were treated at an earlier disease stage than American patients with better in-field progression free survival for stage 3B disease. American patients treated after the availability of new systemic therapies had a better overall survival.