17 March 2020According to this recent study, female survival advantage in cutaneous melanoma persists in a contemporary patient cohort staged with the latest prognostic system.
17 March 2020This recent study investigates age-related differences in the time to progression, overall survival, and immunotherapy-related adverse events among patients with metastatic melanoma who received checkpoint inhibitors. It concludes that aging does not seem to affect response to checkpoint inhibitors, and that elderly patients with metastatic melanoma should be treated similarly to younger patients.
17 March 2020The objective of this study was to compare the long-term economic impact of melanoma prevention by sun protection, with the corresponding impact of early detection of melanoma to decrease melanoma deaths. It concludes that primary prevention through daily use of sunscreen is a priority for investment in the control of melanoma.
12 March 2020In this opinion piece, MelNet member Dr Andrew MacGill explains that one of the main reasons why people are still dying of melanoma is because patients don’t look at their own skin on a regular basis. He claims most patients are able to diagnose their own melanoma in plenty of time for a cure if they look regularly between annual checks.
12 March 2020This recent research finds that head and neck melanoma among pediatric, adolescent and young adult populations in the United States and Canada increased by 51.1% from 1995 to 2014, with males aged 15 to 39 years the main cohort associated with the increase.
12 March 2020According to this recent study, fat cells could be implicated in the transformation of the melanoma cells in the skin into highly malignant cells that spread to the different organs of the body.
12 March 2020According to this recent study, cryogenic electron micrscopy structure of a dimeric B-Raf:14-3-3 complex reveals asymmetry in the active sites of B-Raf kinases.
12 March 2020According to this recent study, follicular oncogenic melanocyte stem cells can establish melanomas, which promises to make it useful in identifying new diagnostics and treatments for melanoma.
12 March 2020Accurate, timely and reliable diagnosis of cutaneous melanoma remains a significant challenge in dermatopathology. This recent study investigated a novel strategy for using microRNA biomarkers to detect melanoma cells in skin tumors even when the tumor contains predominantly benign cells.
12 March 2020According to this recent study, vitamin D-VDR (Vitamin D Receptor) signaling contributes to controlling pro-proliferative/immunosuppresive Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in melanoma and this is associated with less metastatic disease and stronger host immune responses. The study states that this is evidence of the causal relationship between vitamin D-VDR signaling and melanoma survival which should be explored as a therapeutic target in primary resistance to checkpoint blockade.