News and Events

Risk of limb melanoma supports divergent pathways to melanoma theory

13 December 2018

In this population-based cohort study, associations with large asymmetric nevi, sunbathing vacations, and indoor tanning differed significantly among melanoma sites. Skin color, hair color, small symmetric nevi, residential ambient UV radiation, and sunburns were associated with melanoma risk on all sites. This study adds to the supporting evidence of divergent pathways to melanoma and suggests similar risk profiles for lower limb and trunk melanomas and for upper limb and head and neck melanomas.

Risk perception plays minimal role in sun exposure behaviour

13 December 2018

Sun exposure behaviour is significantly linked with positive tanning attitudes rather than risk perception. Therefore, according to this recent study, innovative skin cancer prevention campaigns which aim to influence tanning norms should be developed to complement existing education campaigns.

Sunbed use in Germany decreased by more than 85% in a decade

12 December 2018

Regular sunbed use by German adults has decreased by more than 85% in the past decade, possibly as a result of public awareness following a legal ban on sunbed use for young people and the effects of a statutory skin cancer screening programme. 

Playground shade in New Zealand limited

7 November 2018

Shading practice in New Zealand playgrounds is limited according to this recent New Zealand study. The findings support policy efforts to increase shade nationwide, and the study recommends establishing minimum standards for playground shade and displaying sun safety signage in playgrounds to help promote sun protection behaviour among playground visitors.