7 November 2018A system designed to detect melanoma through the processing of clinical images using artificial neural networks can detect melanoma to an accuracy level of 77%, according to this recent study.
7 November 2018Melanoma risk is more strongly related to nevus density and inability to tan than susceptibility to sunburn, according to this recent Australian study.
7 November 2018A family-focused Facebook intervention could be an effective way of increasing sun protection and skin cancer surveillance among individuals at increased risk for melanoma, according to this recent feasibility study.
23 October 2018A holistic supportive care programme tailored to the individual needs of metastatic melanoma patients being treated with pembrolizumab is feasible, according to this recent study.
6 October 2018Public health campaigns that increase people's confidence in their ability to detect the signs of skin cancer have the potential to encourage skin cancer reduction behaviours in the form of both skin checking and sun protection, according to this recent survey study.
6 October 2018An upgraded Australian SunSmart Program would prevent 45,000 melanoma and 95,000 non melanoma skin cancer cases, according to this recent Australia study.
6 October 2018Despite immunotherapy improving survival rates for many patients with melanoma their quality of life, and that of their caregivers can be negatively impacted by uncertainty about efficacy and the identification and reporting of potential side effects, according to this recent study.
30 September 2018Advice that ‘no protection is required’ for UVI less than 3 should be removed from public messaging. If outdoors for any length of time year round, sun protection should be recommended, according to this recent study led by Dr Richard McKenzie, an atmospheric research scientist (emeritus) based at NIWA Lauder, Central Otago, New Zealand.
30 September 2018Digital interventions may be used as an adjunct service by clinicians during melanoma posttreatment care, especially in regions that are less-resourced by practitioners and health infrastructure, such as rural and remote Australia, according to this recent review.
30 September 2018Baseline serum LDH can be used to identify advanced melanoma patients who are most likely to benefit from ipilimumab therapy, according to this recent study.